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Do we still need representatives?

“To no one will we sell, to no one deny or delay right or justice”
-Magna Carta (1215).

“Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains.”
-Jean Jacques Rousseau, Of the Social Contract (1762).

Democracy was a promise to humanity. It was a promise for freedom- Of speech, of time, of work, of choice. Of liberty, of equality, of fraternity. 
It was not given, it was gotten- for the hope of that promise of a better future, for ourselves, for our children, for the fallen, for the unlucky, for the hopeless. 

We set sail with the hopes of finding that promised land, our eyes on the horizon, leaving behind the desolate, barren land of monarchy, filled with misery, with oppression, with opinionated g..s that are in love with power, ready to trade any life for their egotistical games- our lives that is. Not blinking for a second. Hidden behind platitudes of elegant speeches, entitled traditions, explaining away their expensive raison d’être under false hopes, slithering in and about their own reality.

We fought and we died for that tiny speck of hope, that we could have a say about our own lives. We selected representatives from all parts of the country. They hopped on their horses, travelled for days and arrived at the capital, to represent our small town, simply because we had no other means to all go there and speak for ourselves.

The promise of democracy is now broken. 

Those representatives are no longer “representing” us/properly/at all. 

Because the system is no longer working for us, nor them. 

Heroic, self-sacrificing “Les Bourgeois de Calais” days are far behind us.


The premise was that the ordinary people would have a say about their lives, an opportunity to change their fate, pursue their happiness, and not be constricted to their circumstances at birth. Bowing down to a higher class of so called more select, valuable people, being at their mercy, being a play thing for their pleasure, being a tool for their worldly gains should have been over. 

The small man would have mattered regardless of how insignificant his life may be and not become an object, a pawn or a toy for the puppet masters.

How is that changed? 

Monarchy is replaced by dark state powered by dark capital. Just type that* name, and you’ll find that they and their partner firms have shares of companies producing from the chocolate bar you eat, to the pills you pop, to the phone you speak. And these are the “innocent” ones that are fairly out in the open.

The monetary institutions that govern world economy are not owned by the people either, they are owned by some companies that are at best shady and bigger and more powerful than any country. 

The system is corrupt and our representatives do not have much of a chance of not becoming corrupt. 

So my question is: 

“Do we still need representatives?”


We are in a digital world now; we don’t have to travel on horseback for days to say what we have to say. We can vote online for ourselves if we want to.

And despite most propaganda campaigns on social media, despite the high budget “perception management” operations, despite not standing a chance as a single individual against these dark forces, we do stand a chance. If we become a collective. Yielding our power to a feeble single human being to “please represent us” is detrimental in this climate and the only way to regain our power back is to make the system realigned with its original purpose- sovereignty of the people.

The government should give its legislation power back to people.

It’s just a thought. 

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